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Bertelsmann is the majority shareholder of RTL Group, holding 75 % of its shares. In January 2001, Books-A-Million introduced a partnership agreement with Alibris, an international supplier of difficult-to-find books, including out-of-print and uncommon titles. Effective instantly, customers would achieve entry to over 14 million such titles, each at retail superstores and over the Internet. Next, in March, Books-A-Million made a major enlargement transfer, shopping for the Washington, D. C., space operation of Crown Books Corp., which, on February 12, 2001, had filed for Chapter eleven chapter safety. Books-A-Million took over the operation of 9 of the 14 Crown shops in northern Virginia. The firm also agreed to purchase the complete inventories of 19 Crown Books stores in the metropolitan Washington, D.C., and Chicago areas.